Youth suicide is a complex, emotionally-charged, and sadly prevalent problem in Canada. It is the second leading cause of death amongst young people, accounting for roughly 17 to 20% of adolescent mortality. Virtually all school boards in Ontario will be faced with students who are at risk for suicidal behaviour. Given this reality, it is important to be prepared. (School Mental Health-ASSIST, 2014).
A large part of suicide prevention involves bolstering mental health and well-being for all children and youth, reducing risk factors and building protective factors. Working as a community towards healthy environments for children and youth is a critical component of suicide prevention. As part of our Board's Mental Health and Addiction Strategy - Together for Mental Health, a suicide prevention and intervention protocol has been developed, based on current research and best practice, outlining a clear step-by-step response that will be enacted when staff become aware of student suicidal thoughts or behaviour. Our Board's Suicide Prevention and Intervention Protocol provides more information.